Monday, October 19, 2015

Irk My Nerves: Part-time speakers

My first ever blog post!! So let's just jump right in.

Have you ever encountered a person who only wants to speak when they feel like it. I know you have, we all have and I completely understand the concept of "speak when spoken to". However, if I see you everyday......walk past you everyday..... we should have built some type of relationship
by now.

Like for example, a coworker of mine, I would see her almost everyday but it's like she was only wired to speak on Mondays and Thursdays. Now of course when she had a question about how I wore my hair or clothes, she became real chatty. Let me stop you right there because I'm going to cut the convo short by giving you uncertain answers "I can't remember" or "I saw this on YouTube somewhere".  When I see her in the hallway now I don't say anything and neither does she. It's like we have an unseen staring contest of who's going to speak first but no one does.

So either your all in and speak all the time or we don't speak at all. PICK ONE!! because it "Irks My Nerves"

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