Not a single week goes by without some one saying to me "It's not that bad. Smile". Look sir or madam. I'm good. Gabrielle Union made the resting B$#%H face a trend back in the 90's. Y'all remember "Bring it On", Deliver us from Eva" almost all the films she's done. So please give it a rest.
Maybe if people actually thought about their responses before they spoke, we would have peace in the world. It's possible I'm just in deep thought, I may be hungry, or it's possible you're just taking too DAMN long at the register. But more than likely I just need my eyebrows done. Now if I was to pop off every time someone said this to me, I would be wrong right, OF COURSE I WOULD.
Plus my grandma and other elderly women have told me "People who walk around smiling and laughing all day are crazy" From now on I am just going to walk around like this:
Photos sourced from google image search
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